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hunting lodge
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
1 — Obs.
a wigwam (def. 1) or other habitation used by an Indian on the hunt.
[I sent 4 men for the four red Deer that are in our Hunters lodges. . . .]
The Indian only visits the town, once the favourite site for his hunting-lodge, to receive his annual government presents, to trade his simple wares of basket and birch-bark work . . . to supply wants which have now become indispensable, before undreamed of.
During these long waitings in their wigwams, or hunting lodges, the Indians have not much with which to interest themselves; the result is, the Bible has come to them as a wonderful benediction.
a cabin or cottage used by a sportsman while on a hunting expedition.
See: lodge ((1))(def. 4a)
. . . Mr. Sandford has a hunting lodge [at Clearwater]. . . .
All told more than 100 properties were expropriated, including a number of hunting and fishing lodges.